My Endorsements for the Resident Doctors of BC Board Election

Philip Edgcumbe
3 min readJul 28, 2021


I have written this Medium post and am sharing who I am voting for to increase awareness and engagement with the Resident Doctors of the BC (RDocsBC) Board election. My target audience is the 1,000+ resident doctors across BC that are eligible to vote in this election. I am a 2nd-year radiology resident at UBC. You can learn more about me via my profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, Google Scholar, and my personal website.

How to vote?

The RDocsBC Board of Director election is happening right now. The voting deadline is Friday, Jul 30 2021 3:15pm Pacific Time.
Vote online via an individualized link that was sent to you by RDocsBC with the email title of “Vote now: Resident Doctors of BC — 2021–2022 Board of Directors Election”.

Who am I voting for?

These are the resident physicians I will be voting for (listed in the order they appear on the online ballot)

  • Zach Sagorin, R1, General Surgery
  • Willow Thickson, R1, Family Medicine — Vancouver Fraser
  • Vivian Tsang, R1, Psychiatry Research Track
  • Julie Wong, R2, Urology
  • Helena Bentley, R2, Diagnostic Radiology
  • Hanny Chen, R2, Orthopedic Surgery
  • Soma Dalai, R2, Internal Medicine
  • Ahmed Amayem, R2, Family Medicine

How did I decide who to vote for?

My criteria included: Personal knowledge of the candidates’ character and work ethic, previous governance/advocacy/business experience, quality of their platform/goals, diversity across family medicine and specialties.

What information did I use to make my decision?:
I read all the bios of the candidates. I also know many of the candidates through my time as a UBC medical student (class of 2020) and resident. Furthermore, I have worked with many of the candidates in an official capacity as co-chief resident of the basic clinic year resident cohort at St. Paul’s Hospital (20/21) and as a member of the RDocs BC Council of Program Representatives (20/21).

Me, Devon and Julie on Match Day 2020! Julie Wong is one of the residents that I’ll be voting for because she’ll be an outstanding RDocsBC board member. Over the last year, she has served on the RDocsBC COPR (the Council of Program Representatives) and as an Official Observer on the RDocsBC Board of Directors meetings. She also has a great plaftorm!

Thank you to all the candidates!

Thank you to everyone that has put their name and ideas forward as part of this election. I am grateful for your willingness to advocate for and support your fellow residents. Your dedication to public service is inspiring. I have run in many elections for student government and board positions and I know it is a lot of work and can unnerving because much of the process is out of your control.

No matter the outcome of the election, your participation as a candidate is strengthening the RDocsBC organization. So, thank you!

Having read the bios of all the candidates, I would be glad to see any/all of the candidates elected and I am certain that the RDocsBC board will be in good hands this coming year.

Why vote?

Make your voice/opinion heard and strengthen the mandate that RDocsBC has as an organization that represents resident physicians in BC.

The Resident Doctors of the BC is “the professional association that represents 1300 resident doctors working all over BC. We raise awareness about who resident doctors are and what they do. We take care of resident doctors, so they can take care of you.” In other words, RDocsBC negotiates with the province on our behalf (think call stipends, benefits, post-call days, sick leave, etc) and advocates for us at the hospital, PGME, health authority and provincial levels.

Encourage your fellow residents to vote

Please encourage your fellow residents to vote.
Please Tweet about this election with the hashtag #VoteResidentDocsBC

Thanks for reading this! Your time is valuable. 👊

~ Philip Edgcumbe



Philip Edgcumbe

UBC Radiology Resident (MD, PhD) | Singularity University Faculty | Futurist | Entrepreneur